From Old Park Roundabout, turn in to Rock Road which has speed bumps, and travel in the direction of the Shropshire Star Offices at Ketley. Very soon, you come to a Methodist Chapel on your left and a small crossroads.
Turn right at this crossroads into the small unmarked road with the cul-de-sac sign and another sign saying ‘No access to Overdale’. This road is The Rock, but does not have a road sign.
Travel about 200 yds down this road. It starts to go steeply downhill with a wall to your right. Where the road turns sharply to the left, there is a detached house on the right with a large blue double-doored garage and white gates.
This is Telford Buddhist Priory.
49, The Rock, TF3 5BH
01952 615574
The Arriva 13 bus stops at the “Overdale Rock Road Chapel” stop, at the Methodist chapel at the end of the road.