The Four Noble Truths, a Way to Practice
Former Prior Rev Saidō Kennaway talks about the Four Noble Truths which is the basis of Buddhism. Buddhist teachings show you a way of practice, to become liberated from greed hate and delusion and in this very moment realise Bright Buddha Nature. In other words Practice-Enlightenment. The talk was recorded in the common room at Telford Buddhist Priory.
Enlightenment, Meditation and Suffering
Rev. Saidō answers questions on basic Buddhist Teachings
The Scripture of Great Wisdom
Click here to listen to the talk
This talk was given in October 2018 at Dharmazuflucht Schwarzwald an OBC temple in Germany. With gratitude to Rev Master Fuden for the recording and for making this possible.
The version of the Heart Scripture we use at the Priory is called the Scripture of Great Wisdom and is the one that is mainly referred to in the talk.
The alternative version read out in the talk is from a limited-edition book called Buddha Daily Readings compiled from various sources by Swami Venkatesananda and published in 1982 by the Chiltern Yoga Trust in South Africa.
Here is a photograph of the mind maps showing the Five Skandhas.
The Sandōkai

Talk on the Sandōkai, a profound religious poem by Sekitō Kisenn, one of the great masters of the Sōtō Zen Tradition. The talk was given formally in the meditation Hall for people familiar with the text, which is recited regularly.
Do Good for Others and the Story of the Bamboo Acrobat
Rev. Saidō reads the ‘Sedaka Sutta: The Bamboo Acrobat’ (SN 47.19), translated from the Pali by Andrew Olendzki. Access to Insight (BCBS Edition), 2 November 2013,
Local Radio feature on the Priory
Recording made at the Priory by Jim Hawkins, local radio presenter, for a feature on Buddhism.