Order of Buddhist Contemplatives Temples.
Portobello Buddhist Priory (Scotland)
The Place of Peace Dharma House (Aberystwyth)
Dragon Bell Temple (Exeter)
Norwich Zen Buddhist Priory
Turning Wheel Buddhist Temple (East Midlands)
Jade Mountains Buddha Hall – Blog
Dharmazuflucht Schwarzwald
De Dharmatoevlucht (The Netherlands)
Columbia Zen Buddhist Priory
Berkeley Buddhist Priory (California)
Pine Mountain Buddhist Temple (California)
Portland Buddhist Priory (Oregon)
Eugene Buddhist Priory (Oregon)
Wallowa Buddhist Temple (Oregon)
For more information view the Order website at: http://www.obcon.org
and other sites listed below;
The Order has offices in Europe at Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey in Northumberland.
In North America the offices are at Shasta Abbey California.